35 Edition (2020)

35º Edition (2020)

Multimedia Files

El asombro y la audacia. El cine de María Luisa Bemberg

From November 21st to 29th


Luis Puenzo

Fernando E. Juan Lima
Cecilia Barrionuevo

Alejandro Puente


La hora de los hornos - Parte 1: Neocolonialismo y violencia / The Hour of the Furnaces - Chapter 1: Neocolonialism and Violence, by Fernando Pino Solanas - Argentina - 1968 - 156’ 

International Competition

Adiós a la memoria / A Farewell to Memory, by Nicolás Prividera - Argentina - 2020 - 95’
El año del descubrimiento / The Year of the Discovery, by Luis López Carrasco - Spain, Switzerland - 2020 - 200’
Isabella, by Matías Piñeiro - Argentina - 2020 - 80’
Las Mil y Una / One in a Thousand, by Clarisa Navas - Argentina, Germany - 2020 - 120’
Moving on / Nam-mae-ui Yeo-reum-bam, by Dan-bi Yoon - South Korea - 2020 - 105’
Red Post on Escher Street / Escher dori no Akai Posuto, by Sion Sono - Japan - 2020 - 147’
Seize printemps / Spring Blossom, by Suzanne Lindon - France - 2020 - 73’
Sophie Jones, by Jessie Barr - USA - 2019 - 85’
Nosotros nunca moriremos / We Will Never Die, by Eduardo Crespo - Argentina - 2020 - 83’
Shiva Baby, by Emma Seligman - USA - 2020 - 77’

Latin American Competition
Al morir la matinée / Red Screening, by Maximiliano Contenti - Uruguay - 2020 - 88’
Chico ventana también quisiera tener un submarino / Window Boy Would Also Like to Have a Submarine, by Alex Piperno - Argentina, Brazil, Netherlands, Phillipines - 2020 - 85’
Como el cielo después de llover / The Calm After the Storm, by Mercedes Gaviria - Argentina, Colombia - 2020 - 73’
Fauna, by Nicolás Pereda - Mexico, Canada - 2020 - 70’
La escuela del bosque, by Gonzalo Castro - Argentina - 2020 - 88’
Los conductos, by Camilo Restrepo - France, Colombia, Brazil - 2020 - 70’
Mascarados / Masquerades, by Marcela Borela, Henrique Borela - Brazil - 2020 - 66’
Panquiaco, by Ana Elena Tejera - Panama - 2020 - 84’
Piola, by Luis Alejandro Pérez - Chile - 2020 - 100’
Selva trágica / Tragic Jungle, by Yulene Olaizola - Mexico, France, Colombia - 2020 - 96’

Latin American Short Film Competition
Colección privada / Private Collection, by Elena Duque - Spain, Venezuela - 2020 - 13’
Correspondencia, by Dominga Sotomayor, Carla Simón - Chile, Spain - 2020 - 20’
En la era / In the Era, by Manuela De Laborde - Mexico, Portugal - 2020 - 19’
Obachan, by Nicolasa Ruiz - Mexico - 2020 - 15’
Revelaciones / Revelations, by Juan Soto Taborda - Colombia, USA - 2020 - 29’
Vitória, by Ricardo Alves Jr. - Brazil - 2009 - 14’  

Argentine Competition
1982, by Lucas Gallo - Argentina, Brazil - 2019 - 90’
El tiempo perdido / Le Temps Perdu, by María Álvarez - Argentina - 2020 - 102’
Esquirlas / Splinters, by Natalia Garayalde - Argentina - 2020 - 70’
Historia de lo oculto / History of the Occult, by Cristian Ponce - Argentina - 2020 - 82’
La sangre en el ojo / Seeing Red, by Toia Bonino - Argentina - 2020 - 66’
Las motitos / Little Bikes, by Inés María Barrionuevo, María Gabriela Vidal - Argentina - 2020 - 84’
Las Ranas / The Frogs, by Edgardo Castro - Argentina - 2020 - 77’
Mamá, mamá, mamá / Mum, Mum, Mum, by Sol Berruezo Pichon-Rivière - Argentina - 2020 - 65’
Un crimen común / A Common Crime, by Francisco Márquez - Argentina, Brazil, Switzerland - 2020 - 96’
Un cuerpo estalló en mil pedazos / A Body Exploded into a Thousand Pieces, by Martín Sappia - Argentina - 2020 - 91’
Argentine Short Film Competition
Desaparición incompleta / Incomplete Disappearance, by Alan Martín Segal - Argentina - 2020 - 13’
Hi, Sweety, by Celeste Prezioso - Argentina - 2020 - 30’
Homenaje a la obra de Philip Henry Gosse / Homage to the Work of Philip Henry Gosse, by Pablo Martín Weber - Argentina - 2020 - 22’
Las credenciales / The Credentials, by Manuel Ferrari - Argentina, Germany- 2020 - 20’
Las sombras / The Shadows, by Paulo Pécora - Argentina - 2020 - 18’
Los arcontes / Archons, by Natalia Labaké, Agustina Pérez Rial - Argentina - 2020 - 15’
Los primos esperan / Cousins Wait, by Marina Nerea Malchiodi - Argentina - 2020 - 20’
Luz distante - Capítulo 1 - Les desventurades / Distant Light - Part 1, The Unfortunates, by Santiago Reale - Argentina - 2020 - 29’

Altered States Competition
Anunciaron tormenta / A Storm Was Coming, by Javier Fernández Vázquez - Spain - 2020 - 88’
Cartas de una fanática de Whistler a un fanático de Conrad / Letters from a Whistler Fan to a Conrad Fan, by Claudia Carreño Gajardo - Chile - 2020 - 72’
Deja que las luces de alejen / Let the Lights Move Away, by Javier Favot - Argentina, Uruguay - 2020 - 67’
El tango del viudo y su espejo deformante / The Tango of the Widower and its Distorting Mirror, by Raúl Ruiz, Valeria Sarmiento - Chile - 1967-2020 - 63’
Heliconia, by Paula Rodríguez Polanco - Colombia, France - 2020 - 27’
Homelands / Domovine, by Jelena Maksimović - Serbia - 2020 - 63’
Look Then Below, by Ben Rivers - United Kingdom - 2020 - 22’
Lúa vermella / Red Moon Tide, by Lois Patiño - Spain - 2020 - 84’
Mes chers espions / My Dear Spies, by Vladimir Léon - France, Russia - 2020 - 134’
No existen treinta y seis maneras de mostrar cómo un hombre se sube a un caballo / There Are Not Thirty-Six Ways of Showing a Man Getting on a Horse, by Nicolás Zukerfeld - Argentina - 2020 - 63’
Río Turbio / Shady River, by Tatiana Mazú González - Argentina - 2020 - 82’
The Exit of the Trains, by Radu Jude, Adrian Cioflâncă - Romania - 2020 - 175’ 

Alteres States - Out of Competition
Bajo los tilos / Under the Linden Trees, by Flavia de la Fuente - Argentina - 2020 - 16’
Poilean, by Claudio Caldini - Argentina - 2020 - 14’
Poussières / Dusts, by Fabrice Aragno - Switzerland - 2020 - 2’ 

Work In Progress Competition 
Al amparo del cielo / Under the Sky Shelter, by Diego Acosta - Chile
Álbum para la juventud / Album for the Youth, by Malena Solarz - Argentina
De todas las cosas que se pueden saber y de algunas otras / About Everything There is to Know and Then Some, by Sofía Velázquez Núñez - Peru
El polvo / Into Dust, by Nicolás Torchinsky - Argentina
En compañía / Companions, by Ada Frontini - Argentina
Estrella roja / Red Star, by Sofía Bordenave - Argentina
Husek, by Daniela Seggiaro - Argentina
Morichales, by Chris Gude - Colombia, USA
Los paisajes / Landscapes, by Hernán Fernández - Argentina
Mostro, by José Pablo Escamilla - Mexico
Sobre las nubes / About the Clouds, by María Aparicio - Argentina
Una escuela en Cerro Hueso / A School in Bone Hill, by Betiana Cappato - Argentina

Official Selection - Out of Competition
El país de las últimas cosas /In the Country of Last Things, by Alejandro Chomski - Argentina, Dominican Republic - 2020 - 89’
En la frontera / In the Border, by José Celestino Campusano - Argentina - 2020 - 78’
Inmortal / Immortal, by Fernando Spiner - Argentina - 2020 - 97’
Las siamesas / The Siamese Bond, by Paula Hernández - Argentina - 2020 - 80’
Retiros (in)voluntarios / (In)Voluntary Retirements, by Sandra Gugliotta - Argentina - 2020 - 85’
Vicenta, by Darío Doria - Argentina - 2020 - 69’
Edición ilimitada, by Edgardo Cozarinsky, Santiago Loza, Virginia Cosin, Romina Paula - Argentina - 2020 - 74’


Atarrabi et Mikelats, by Eugène Green - France, Belgium - 2020 - 122’
The Last City / Die letzte Stadt, by Heinz Emigholz - Germany - 2019 - 100´
The Woman Who Ran / Domangchin yeoja, by Hong Sangsoo - South Korea - 2020 - 77’ 

Midnight Screamings
Come True, by Anthony Scott Burns - Canada - 2020 - 105’
Méandre / Meander, by Mathieu Turi - France - 2020 - 90´
Teddy, by Ludovic Boukherma, Zoran Boukherma - France - 2020 - 89’ 

Children by the Sea
Boriya, by Min Sung Ah - South Korea, France - 2020 - 17’
Bosquecito / Little Forest, by Paulina Moratore - Argentina - 2020 - 8’
El árbol ya fue plantado / The Tree Has Been Planted, by Irene Blei - Argentina - 2020 - 7’
Leaf / Lístek, by Aliona Baranova - Belarus, Czech Republic - 2020 - 6’
The Chronicles of Rebecca, by Yukiyo Teramoto - Japan - 2020 - 25’


Manuel Antin
Cortázar & Antin: Cartas iluminadas / Cortázar & Antin: Enlightened Letters, by Cinthia V. Rajschmir - Argentina - 2018 - 65’
La cifra impar / Odd Number, by Manuel Antin - Argentina - 1962 - 82’

Edgardo Cozarinsky
Edición Ilimitada, by Edgardo Cozarinsky, Santiago Loza, Virginia Cosin, Romina Paula - Argentina - 2020 - 74’
Médium, by Edgardo Cozarinsky - Argentina - 2020 - 70’

Norma Aleandro
Norma Aleandro, el vuelo de la mariposa, by Carlos Duarte Quin - Spain - 2020 - 73’


Homage to Pino Solanas
La hora de los hornos - Parte 1: Neocolonialismo y violencia / The Hour of the Furnaces - Chapter 1: Neocolonialism and Violence, by Fernando Pino Solanas - Argentina - 1968 - 156’ (Película de Apertura)
Tangos. El exilio de Gardel / Tangos: The Exiles of Gardel, by Fernando Pino Solanas - Argentina, France - 1985 - 119’
Sur / The South, by Fernando Pino Solanas - Argentina, France - 1988 - 127’
El viaje / The Journey, by Fernando Pino Solanas - Argentina, France, Spain, United Kingdom, Mexico - 1990 - 142’

Homage to María Luisa Bemberg
Momentos, by María Luisa Bemberg - Argentina - 1981 - 90’
De eso no se habla, by María Luisa Bemberg - Argentina - 1993 - 105’

Homage to Rosario Bléfari
El arte musical, by Nahuel Ugazio - Argentina - 2020 - 27
Los dueños / The Owners, by Ezequiel Radusky, Agustín Toscano - Argentina - 2013 - 95’
Silvia Prieto, by Martín Rejtman - Argentina - 1999 - 92’


25 years of Historias Breves 
Guarisove, los olvidados, by Bruno Stagnaro - 1995
Ojos de fuego, by Jorge Gaggero - 1995
Líneas de teléfono, by Marcelo Brigante - 1996
Aluap, by Tatiana Mereñuk, Hernán Belón - 1997
El séptimo día, by Gabriel Lichtman - 1999
La media medalla, by Marcos Grossi - 1999
Vida nueva, by Lucas Santa Ana - 2013
Superficies, by Martín Aliaga - 2013
En crítica, by Luz Orlando Brennan - 2014
Diamante mandarín, by Juan Martín Hsu - 2015
Cualquier similitud con la realidad es pura coincidencia, by Dolores Montaño - 2016
El capital, by Matías A. Gamio - 2017
Una cabrita sin cuernos, by Sebastián Dietsch - 2018
La religiosa, by Andrea Armentano, Sofía Torre - 2018
Noche de novias, by Santiago Larre, Martín Cornaglia - 2018
Encuentros lejanos, by Cristian Bernard - 1993
Ratas, by Dieguillo Fernández, Diego Sabanés - 1996
Blanco i negro, by Fernando Saviamarina - 2008
Los extraños, by Sebastián Caulier - 2009
Liebre 105, by Federico Rotstein, Sebastián Rotstein - 2013
Homúnculo, by Exequiel Sambucetti - 2015
Firpo, by Fernando Caneda - 2015
Una mujer en el bosque, by César Sodero - 2015
Centauro, by Nicolás Suárez - 2016
El agua de los sueños, by Rocío Muñoz, Pablo Fuertes - 2017
El agua, by Andrea Dargenio

Historias Breves 18

ENERC Exhibition
Del fuego de los hornos, by Hernán Paganini - 15’
El color del jacarandá, by Corina López Roach - 15’
Enero, by Gabriel E. Mora - 12’
Impune, by Cecilia Hauff - 15’
Los cuerpos ajenos, by Samanta Bianucci - 12’
Tiempo de cosecha, by Pilar Rüger Alonso - 12’

Pantalla UBA
Brown Sugar, by Albano Puliafito - 29’
Capilla del Diablo, by Nicolás de Bórtoli - 8’
Convivencia, by Malena Ichkhanian, Lucía Molina Carpi, Mara Tatiana Lanosa Alonso, Ailín Kertész - 12’
Cuando los grillos cantan, by Dana Reiss, Carolina Nussbaum - 11’
Cuerpas, by Florencia Collazo, Rocío Corsi - 13’
Donde podemos encontrarnos, by Karen Reich - 4’
El deshielo, by Lucía López, Laura Malagón, Florencia Usuki - 3’
Luciérnaga de plata, by Thales Pessoa - 28’
Mellán, by Manuel Ramos - 8’
Memorias de mis miedos, by Delfina Freire - 5’
Órbita, by Michelle Cherin, Camila Crespo - 6’
Que el viento nos recuerde, by Aldana Santantonio - 10’
Satana, by Sebastián Kogan - 9’
Un helado se derrite camino a Podestá, by Deborah Silva Fernández, Clara Hernández Sardi - 2’
Yenka, by Solana Viton, Verónica Vargas - 7’
Yukon, by María Laura Miramon - 7’

Cine-Letters. UTDT Film Program - HFBK Hamburg
Watashino-Machi, by Hikaru Suzuki - Japan - 6’
Tres sueños para Hikaru, by Franca Malfatti - Argentina - 10’
Correspondencia de David Nazareno para Annika Gutsche, by David Nazareno - Argentina - 10’
Dear David, by Annika Gutsche - Germany - 6’
Letters to Kuno: Second Letter, by Nicolás Turjanski - Argentina - 7’
To Nicolás, by Kuno Seltmann - Germany- 7’
Letter to Eduardo I, by Marlon Weber - Germany- 10’
Segunda carta, by Eduardo Ecker - Argentina - 10’

34th Georges Méliès Award - Short Film Competition
Distanciadxs, by Paula Arancibia Bravo - Argentina - 9’
La olla, by Pablo Draletti - Argentina
Pasadas por agua, by Rodrigo Gastiaburo - Paraguay
Regreso, by Marcos Montes de Oca - Argentina - 4’
Julieta y la luna, by Milena Castro Etcheberry - Chile - 7’
Hipócritas, by Luciano Nacci - Argentina
Lo de adentro, by Ramiro Santia - Argentina
Solo cerca del mar, by Ramiro Ossa - Chile - 9’
Escena del crimen, by Agustín Álvarez - Uruguay - 8’
Hugo B, by Gonzalo Albornoz - Argentina



Astor Piazzolla Award for Best Feature Length Film
El año del descubrimiento by Luis López Carrasco

Astor Piazzolla Award for Best Direction
Matías Piñeiro for Isabella

Astor Piazzolla Award for Best Acting
María Villar for Isabella

Astor Piazzolla Award for Best Screenplay
Nicolás Prividera for Adiós a la memoria

Astor Piazzolla Special Jury Award
Moving on by Yoon Dan-bi


Astor Piazzolla Award for Best Feature Length Film
Los Conductos by Camilo Restrepo

Special Mention
Mascarados by Marcela Borela and Henrique Borela

Special Mention
Fauna by Nicolás Pereda

Astor Piazzolla Award for Best Short Film
Correspondencia by Dominga Sotomayor and Carla Simón


Astor Piazzolla Award for Best Feature Length Film
El tiempo perdido by María Álvarez

Special Mention
Las ranas by Edgardo Castro

Astor Piazzolla Award for Best Short Film
Homenaje a la obra de Philip Henry Gosse by Pablo Martín Weber

Esquirlas by Natalia Garayalde


Astor Piazzolla Award for the Best Feature Length Film
Mes chers espions by Vladimir Léon

Special Mention
Heliconia by Paula Rodríguez Polanco


Astor Piazzolla Award to the Best Project
Morichales by Chris Gude


Best Film
Historia de lo oculto by Cristian Ponce

Special Mention
Como el cielo después de llover by Mercedes Gaviria



Banco Nación, Cinecolor and Cono del Silencio Award to the Best WORK IN PROGRESS project
Morichales by Chris Gude

Alta Definición Argentina Award for the Best Film in the Latin American Competition
Los Conductos by Camilo Restrepo

Banco Nación, Lahaye Media and Pomeranec Sonido Award to the Best Argentine Feature Length Film

El tiempo perdido by María Álvarez

Banco Nación, Lahaye Media y Pomeranec Sonido Award to the Best Argentine Short Film
Homenaje a la obra de Philip Henry Gosse by Pablo Martín Weber



Walter Hill, Miranda July, Roberto Minervini, Rita Azevedo Gomes, Albert Serra, Andrés Duque, Glen Keane, Edgardo Cozarinsky, Manuel Antin, Sion Sono, Suzanne Lindon, Jessie Barr, Nicolás Prividera, Dan-bi Yoon, Luis López Carrasco, Emma Seligman, Clarisa Navas, Eduardo Crespo, Matías Piñeiro, Nicolás Pereda, Gonzalo Castro, Camilo Restrepo, Marcela Borela, Henrique Borela, Ana Elena Tejera, Luis Alejandro Pérez, Yulene Olaizola, Elena Duque, Dominga Sotomayor, Carla Simón, Manuela De Laborde, Nicolasa Ruiz, Juan Soto Taborda, Sandra Gugliotta, Alex Piperno, Mercedes Gaviria, Maximiliano Contenti, Piel de Lava, Lucas Gallo, Natalia Garayalde, Cristian Ponce, Toia Bonino, Inés María Barrionuevo, María Gabriela Vidal, Edgardo Castro, Sol Berruezo Pichon-Rivière, Francisco Márquez, Martín Sappia, Alan Segal, Celeste Prezioso, Pablo Weber, Manuel Ferrari, Paulo Pécora, Natalia Labaké, Agustina Pérez Rial, Marina Malchiodi, Santiago Reale, Javier Fernández Vázquez, Claudia Carreño Gajardo, Javier Favot, Valeria Sarmiento, Paula Rodríguez Polanco, Jelena Maksimovic, Ben Rivers, Lois Patiño, Vladimir Léon, Nicolás Zukerfeld, Tatiana Mazú Gonzalez, Radu Jude, Adrian Cioflânca, Fabrice Aragno, Claudio Caldini, Alejandro Chomski, Paul Auster, Diego Acosta, Nicolás Torchinsky, Sofía Velázquez Núñez, Ada Frontini, Sofía Bordenave, Daniela Seggiaro, Chris Gude, Hernán Fernández, Malena Solarz, José Pablo Escamilla, María Aparicio, Betiana Cappato, José Celestino Campusano, Fernando Spiner, Paula Hernández, Darío Doria, Heinz Emigholz, Eugène Green, Mathieu Turi, Ludovic Boukherma, Zoran Boukherma, Paulina Moratore, Aliona Baranova, Irene Blej, Victoria Solanas, Juan Solanas, Flexa Correa Lopes, Haden Guest, Paula Félix-Didier, Tomás Rautenstrauch, Adrián Caetano, Lita Stantic, Lucrecia Martel, Bruno Stagnaro, Graciela Borges, Carlos Duarte Quin, Cinthia Rajschmir, Santiago Loza, Romina Paula, Virginia Cosin, Nahuel Ugazio, Ezequiel Radusky, Agustín Toscano, María Alché, Andrés Tambornino, Cristian Bernard, Desirée de Fez, Laura Casabé, Agustina Llambi Campbell, María Fernanda Mugica, Jorge Gaggero, Pablo Ramos Grad, Florencia Mamani, José Celestino Campusano, Tomás Fonzi, Vanessa Ragone, Daniel Burman, Jorge Marrale, Beatriz Navas Valdés, Mora Recalde, Silvina Acosta, Osvaldo Santoro, Ulises Rosell, Lautaro García Candela, Lucas Granero, Sergio Wolf, Lisandro Alonso, Ana Katz, Diego Lerman, Celina Murga, Pablo Giorgelli.