Rules and Regulations



Organised by the Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (INCAA) of Argentina and accredited by the International Federation of Film Producers Association (FIAPF), the 39th Edition of the Mar del Plata
International Film Festival will be held on-site in said city, from November 21 to December 01, 2024. The Festival’s objective is to stimulate and facilitate meetings among members of the national and international cinematographic community and to present films of all genres, accompanied by their representatives, in order to contribute to the development of culture and the progress and diffusion of the audiovisual industry.


Submission of films in all categories is free and open to national and international feature length, medium length, and short films of all genres.

The productions must have been finished within 12 (twelve) months prior to the beginning of the Festival.

Films or projects that are linked to any member of the Festival's organization or programming team are not eligible to participate.

Entry fees according to category:

  • International Feature Films: FIFTY U.S. DOLLARS (USD 50)
  • International medium and short-length films: TWENTY-FIVE U.S. DOLLARS (USD 25)
  • National Feature films: FIFTY THOUSAND ARGENTINE PESOS (ARS 50,000)
  • National medium and short-length films: TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND ARGENTINE PESOS (ARS 25,000)

In 2024, national productions will benefit from a FORTY PERCENT (40%) bonus on the total value of the previously declared fees. Therefore, the final values for national productions to be transferred will be as follows:

  • National feature films: THIRTY THOUSAND ARGENTINE PESOS (ARS 30,000).
  • National medium and short-length films: FIFTEEN THOUSAND ARGENTINE PESOS (ARS 15,000).

The payment of these fees must be made at the time of registration, through the Festival's official website, and constitutes a necessary condition for the process to be fully completed.


The 39th edition of the Mar del Plata International Film Festival will include International Feature Film Competition, the Latin American Feature Film Competition, the Argentine Feature Film Competition, the Argentine and Latin American Short Film Competition, the Altered States Competition and the En Tránsito (Work-in-Progress) Competition for Latin American productions in process; as well as various parallel sections and special events.


Each film will have a maximum of five (5) projections, including an additional press screening, in the case that this is decided by the Festival authorities.

Once the Festival has communicated the selection of a film, after receiving the producers' or representatives' acceptance in writing, the film cannot be withdrawn from the festival. Its producer or designated representative must send the film, and other related materials, including promotional materials, requested by the Festival, before the deadline, as indicated in “ANNEX I” of the Regulations. These materials will be used for the catalog and official website, as well as for press, publicity and communication about the film’s participation in the Festival.

Films will be presented in their original language with English subtitles, plus digital subtitles in Spanish. Only the Festival authorities may decide upon any presentations outside of these rules.

Films program in any of the Festival’s section must not have had a commercial premiere in Argentina before the Festival has finished. Neither may they be shown publicly in other venues other than those of the Festival, unless they subscribe agreements with the Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (INCAA) for screenings in other movie theaters in the country or for broadcasting through and Play. Only the Festival authorities will be able to decide about the presentation outside these rules.


In order to present a film for Festival selection, it is necessary to the following steps as detailed below:

a) Complete the Online Entry Form.

b) Send a downloadable link with a password that is valid until December 01, 2024. Links to submitted films must, by obligation, have the option of being downloaded so that they may be viewed by the Festival’s Selection Committee. We recommend a maximum size of 2GB. Its use will be strictly internal.

Inscription for all categories opens on May 20, 2024 and closes on June 30 of the same year.

The Festival offices are located at Avenida Belgrano 1586, 11th floor (CP 1093), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. This information is disclosed for the purposes that may apply, but it is expressly clarified that the entire registration process will be exclusively online.

Once the selection process has ended, the Festival will update the status of each film, regardless if they are selected or not.


The Festival’s programming team will recommend to the authorities the films that, according to the understanding of its members, should be selected to form part of this edition of the Festival. The Presidency and Artistic Direction will decide based upon this proposal, selecting the films that are in line to the Festival’s objectives and reveal relevant and refreshing artistic values, with the objective of creating an Official Selection that is compatible with the requirements of an International Competitive Festival accredited by the International Federation of Film Producers Association (FIAPF).


The Festival authorities will designate the members of the Jury for each competition. The President of the Festival, or his representative, may be present during the deliberations of the Jury, but will not be part of them and will not have any vote. Decisions will be made by absolute majority in the first two ballots and by relative majority in the following ballots. Any person having any interest in the production or exploitation of a film in competition may not be a member of the Jury. The members of the Jury firmly
undertake not to express publicly their opinions regarding the films submitted for their consideration before the official announcement of the awards.



Argentine and international feature length films may participate. The productions must have been finished within 12 (twelve) months before the beginning date of the Festival. Their screening at the Festival must be a premiere with the territory of the Argentine Republic and they must not have had any kind of public exhibition in Argentina. Upon being selected to participate in the Festival, they must not be exhibited in any other places until after all of their screenings at the Festival, unless otherwise determined by the organization.

Films that have competed in festivals outside of Argentina before the date of selection for their presentation at Mar del Plata are not invalidated from participating in the Competition.

The copies to be screened must be presented with English subtitles.

The following awards will be given:

Best Feature Length Film;

Special Jury Award;

Best Direction;

Best Acting;

Best Script.

The Jury may award up to 2 (two) Special Mentions, having to indicate the reason that these special mentions are deserved. The Jury will give only one award ex aequo, except for Best Feature Length Film. No film may receive more than 2 (two) awards, and no category may be declared without a winner.



The competition will consist of Latin American productions and co-productions that must have been finished within 12 (twelve) months before the beginning date of the Festival. Their screening in the Festival
must be a premiere with the territory of the Argentine Republic and they must not have had any kind of public exhibition in Argentina.

Upon being selected to participate in the Festival, they must not be exhibited in any other places until after all of their screenings in the Festival, unless otherwise determined by the organization.

Films that have competed in festivals outside of Argentina before the date of selection for their presentation at Mar del Plata are not invalidated from participating in the Competition.

The copies to be screened must be presented with English subtitles.

The jury must declare a winner for the Best Feature Length Film in the Latin American Competition. They may also award up to 2 (two) Special Mentions.



The films must be Argentine productions. They must have been finished within 12 (twelve) months before the beginning date of the Festival. Their screening in the Festival must be a premiere with the territory of the Argentine Republic and they must not have had any kind of public exhibition in Argentina.
Upon being selected to participate in the Festival, they must not be exhibited in any other places until after all of their screenings in the Festival, unless otherwise determined by the organization.

Films that have competed in festivals outside of Argentina before the date of selection for their presentation at Mar del Plata are not invalidated from participating in the Competition.

The copies to be screened must be presented with English subtitles.

The jury will give 1 (one) award for the Best Feature Length Film in the Argentine Competition and 1 (one) award for Best Direction. No category may be declared without a winner, and the jury may also award up to 2 (two) Special Mentions.



(1) Argentine Short Film Competition

The competition will consist of Argentine productions and co-productions that must have been finished within 12 (twelve) months before the beginning date of the Festival. Their screening in the Festival must be a premiere with the territory of the Argentine Republic and they must not have had any kind of public exhibition in Argentina.

Upon being selected to participate in the Festival, they must not be exhibited in any other places until after all of their screenings in the Festival, unless otherwise determined by the organization.

Films that have competed in festivals outside of Argentina before the date of selection for their presentation at Mar del Plata are not invalidated from participating in the Competition.

The copies to be screened must be presented with English subtitles.

Short films may not be longer than 30 (thirty) minutes, including credits.

The jury will give 1 (one) award to the best Short Film in the Argentine Competition.

(2) Latin American Short Film Competition

The competition will consist of Latin American productions and co-productions that must have been finished within 12 (twelve) months before the beginning date of the Festival. Their screening at the Festival
must be a premiere with the territory of the Argentine Republic and they must not have had any kind of public exhibition in Argentina.

Upon being selected to participate in the Festival, they must not be exhibited in any other places until after all of their screenings in the Festival, unless otherwise determined by the organization.

Films that have competed in festivals outside of Argentina before the date of selection for their presentation at Mar del Plata are not invalidated from participating in the Competition.

The copies to be screened must be presented with English subtitles.

Short films may not be longer than 30 (thirty) minutes, including credits.

The jury will give 1 (one) award to the best Short Film in the Latin American Competition.


National and international feature length, medium length and short films that explore new forms of narratives and innovative cinematographic languages may participate in this section.

To participate in the competition, films must have been finished within 12 (twelve) months before the beginning date of the Festival. Their screening at the Festival must be a premiere with the territory of the Argentine Republic and they must not have had any kind of public exhibition in Argentina.

Upon being selected to participate in the Festival, they must not be exhibited in any other places until after all of their screenings.

The copies to be screened must be presented with English subtitles.

Films that have competed in festivals outside of Argentina before the date of selection for their presentation at Mar del Plata are not invalidated from participating in the Competition.

The copies to be screened must be presented with English subtitles.

The jury will give 1 (one) award for the Best Film in the Altered States Competition; a winner must be declared in the category. The jury may also award 1 (one) Special Mention.



National and Latin American productions and co-productions feature length film projects that are still in the production may participate in this section.
The call is open to fiction, documentary and experimental films.

In order to submit a project, the following is required:

1) Complete the Online Entry Form.

2) Provide a download link with images of the project (unlimited duration). For the selected works, the duration of the fragment to be exhibited during the Festival cannot exceed 10 (ten) minutes. The links of the submitted films must include the download option to be viewed by the Festival's programming team. A maximum of 2GB is recommended. Its use will be strictly internal.

Selected projects, will submit a fragment of the work to be projected during the Festival that cannot be greater than 10 (ten) minutes in length. Links to submitted films must, by obligation, have the option of being downloaded so that they may be viewed by the Festival’s Selection Committee. We recommend a maximum size of 2GB. Its use will be strictly internal.

3) Attach a Word or PDF file with the following information:

  • -Project title.
  • -Director's name and surname.
  • -Name and surname of the producer.
  • -Contact information of the project (telephone, e-mail address).
  • -Technical information (genre, duration, shooting format).
  • -Synopsis (maximum 1 page).
  • -Treatment (maximum of 10 pages). The script does not replace the treatment and should only be sent if requested.
  • -Letter of intent from the director about his/her project.
  • -Biofilmography of the director and producer.
  • -Production status of the project.

A committee composed of Festival programmers will select the participating projects.

The jury will give 1 (one) En Tránsito award to the best work in progress.


Once programmed, after receiving the producers' or representatives' acceptance in writing, the film cannot be withdrawn from the festival.

14.1. The producers and distributors of the films in Competitions commit to including in all their advertising and press materials the phrase “Official Selection of the Mar del Plata International Film Festival”, using the Festival’s logo.

14.2. Producers and distributors of those films that win awards commit to highlighting the awards in all their advertising and press materials, using the Festival’s logo.

14.3. The logo will be available on the Festival webpage.

14.4. All awards that are not received at the Closing Ceremony can be picked up from the Festival offices in the City of Buenos Aires (or wherever is indicated according to the circumstances) up to one month after the completion of the event.


The Festival will cover costs of storage and insurance of copies during the official period of the Festival. The Festival will not cover customs costs for exporting or importing copies in the country of origin. In case of deterioration of a copy, grievances / claims must be sent within one month of the date the film was sent. The Festival’s responsibility will not be greater than the cost of a new copy, according to standard costs for a standard copy from a laboratory.


The Festival will not accept films that have been exhibited on VOD platforms with the exception of those restricted to professional use. The Festival reserves the right to evaluate each case.


The Presidency and the Artistic Direction of the Festival shall resolve all matters not contemplated in these Rules and Regulations, as well as reserve the right to make decisions regarding the inscription.
They shall also ensure compliance with the regulations of the Fédération Internationale des Associations de Producteurs de Films (FIAPF).


The Festival aims to achieve the greatest accessibility in all its contents. To this end, the Argentine films selected in any of the sections indicated in these regulations must include a file with the list of dialogues in Spanish.


The submission of a film or project to participate in the Mar del Plata International Film Festival implies the acceptance of these Regulations. The Festival reserves the right to modify the composition of all competitions and sections, according to its needs.



The screening copies of selected films must be delivered in a DCP format to the address indicated by the Festival organization, before October 22, 2024, respecting the requested technical requirements. Presentation in other formats requires the Festival authorization. Those interested in participating in the Festival must complete the following steps:

a) Complete the Entry Form on the Festival webpage

b) Send a downloadable link of 2 GB with a password that is valid through December 01, 2024.

c) Agree to accept the decisions issued by INCAA through its members and juries appointed for the evaluation of these technical issues.

d) Application for all sections will close on June 30, 2024.


Only DCP that are compatible with DCI norms will be accepted.

Disks with USB 2.0 connections will not be accepted.

Submission in other formats requires the express authorization of the Festival's Technical Department. DCP naming must be under the parameters of the Digital Cinema Naming Convention. Each DCP disk must be delivered in an appropriate durable case to avoid damage. The storage partition format must be EXT2 or EXT3, though NTFS is also accepted. No other file systems will be accepted. KDM (Key Delivery Message): encryption is optional. The festival handles a large quantity of DCP content that does not require KDM. For each encrypted DCP, we request a KDM. The KDM should be valid from the day the DCP arrives and should remain operative through to the last day of the Festival.

JPEG 2000 / COLOR SPACE: XYZ / The maximum bit rate supported in JPEG 2000 is 250 Mbps. Frame rate supported in 2D: 24 fps, 25 fps and 48 fps. Frame rate supported in 3D: 24 fps. Material in 2K or 4K is played in progressive scan 2048 x 1080. Subtitle file types supported: TICineCanvas TM and SMPTE 428-7-2007.

Download rules and regulations in PDF format